29 | 03 | 2012

Mr. Željko Topić, Director General of the SIPO appointed vice-president of the European Patent Office (EPO)

Mr. Željko Topić, Director General of the SIPO appointed vice-president of the European Patent Office (EPO)

Mr. Željko Topić, Director General of the SIPO has been appointed to the position of vice-president of the European Patent Office (EPO), by the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organization, at its 131st session.

The Administrative Council, the European Patent Organization’s legislative body, made up of delegations from the 38 member states, as responsible for supervising the activities of the EPO, with the support of the President of the EPO, Benoît Battistelli, today voted and appointed Mr. Željko Topić to the position of vice-president of the EPO. The appointment is for five years.

Mr. Željko Topić has been representing his country on the Administrative Council since 2004, as head of the Croatian delegation. Croatia became a full member of the Organization at the start of 2008. Mr. Topić has been the Director General of the State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia since 2004.

The appointment of Mr. Topić to this high function represents an international recognition awarded to Director General Topić for his extremely successful work and achievements in the regional and European cooperation in the field of intellectual property protection, as well as for the development of the State Intellectual Property Office, and an active participation of the Office and HR in and their contribution to the work of the EPO.