Accessibility Statement

The State Intellectual Property Office is committed to its website accessible, in accordance with the Act on the Accessibility of Websites and Programming Solutions for Mobile Devices of Public Sector Bodies of the Republic of Croatia (OG 17/19, hereinafter: the Act) transposing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (hereinafter: the Directive (EU) 2016/2102).

This Statement applies to the website of the State Intellectual Property Office as well as to all applications thereon.

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with the Act and the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 due to non-compliances listed below.

Non-accessible content

Pursuant to Article 8 of the Act and Article 5 of the Directive (EU) 2016/2102, the State Intellectual Property Office carried out an initial evaluation as regards compliance of its website with the requirements of accessibility and established that certain sections are not compliant with the aforementioned for the reason of disproportionate burden. These are the sections listed below:

  • Videos do not contain subtitles;
  • An alternative audio description of the information is not provided;
  • Some files are not available in machine-readable form.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 27 May 2020 based on a self-assessment done by the State Intellectual Property Office.

The statement was last reviewed on 20 December 2021. The State Intellectual Property Office will review this statement on a regular basis upon elimination of reasons causing individual contents to be non-accessible.

Feedback and contact information

By submitting a request to the State Intellectual Property Office, you may obtain feedback and/or report irregularities detected in terms of the Act and the Directive (EU) 2016/2102. The request may be submitted by e-mail to the address:

Enforcement procedure

Monitoring over the enforcement of the Act shall be performed by the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Croatia

Inspectional monitoring over the implementation of the Act shall be performed by inspectors and other authorised officials of the Office of the Commissioner.

The provisions of the Act on the Right of Access to Information (OG 25/13 and 85/15) shall apply to monitoring.

In the case of unsatisfactory responses to any notification or request for feedback on accessibility of this website, users may contact the Information Commissioner:

Information Commissioner
Trg žrtava fašizma 3
10000 Zagreb
Tel: 01 2099 100
Fax: 01 2099 122


Zagreb, 20 December 2021