Born on
11. August 1967 in Zagreb |
2007 - 2008 |
Faculty of Law in Turin (Italy) and the World Academy with the World Intellectual Property Organization, joint postgraduate programme – Master of Laws in Intellectual Property (LLM) |
1992 - 1995 |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb, postgraduate scientific study – Master of Science (MSc) |
1986 - 1991 |
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb, graduate study – bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering (BSc) |
2008 - 2012 |
Deputy Director General, State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia |
2004 - 2008 |
Assistant Director General, Information and Cooperation Department (Intellectual Property System Development Department), State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia |
2002 - 2004 |
Senior Expert Adviser at the Unit for information and Cooperation in the Field of Intellectual Property, State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia |
1999 - 2002 |
Head of the Section for Cooperation with Economic Entities, State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia |
1991 - 1999 |
Research Assistant, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb |
November 2011 |
Executive Education “Leadership Decision Making”, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard (USA) |
September 2011 |
On-line course “Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights”, World Trade Organization |
May 2011 |
WIPO/WTO Advanced Course on Intellectual Property, Geneva (Switzerland) |
April 2011 |
On-line course “Introduction to the WTO”, World Trade Organization |
December 2010 |
Seminar on the “Strategic Planning in the Context of European Integrations”, Centre for Vocational Training and Professional Improvement of Civil Servants, Zagreb |
January 2009 |
Executive Education “21st Century Governance: Critical Skills for Leading and Sustaining Innovative Organizations”, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Zagreb |
June 2007 |
Seminar on the “Opposition and Appeals Procedures at the European Patent Office”, European Patent Academy, Munich (Germany) |
October 2006 |
USPTO Global Intellectual Property Academy Patents Program, Alexandria (USA) |
September 2006 |
Seminar on the Patent Mapping, European Patent Academy, Vienna (Austria) |
June 2006 |
Course on “Project Management Basics”, IBM Certification Knowledge Centre, Zagreb |
May 2006 |
Seminar on the IP Information Sharing, European Patent Academy, Prague (Czech Republic) |
October 2005 |
Seminar on the Design of Innovation Support Campaigns, European Patent Academy, Newport (United Kingdom) |
May 2004 |
Seminar on the Patent Documentation and Classification, International Academy of the European Patent Office, Hague (Netherlands) |
November 2003 |
German courses for high-ranked civil servants from the EU acceding countries, organized by the Goethe Institute, Berlin (Germany) and Brussels (Belgium) |
April 2002 – April 2003 |
Courses of “German for Lawyers”, Goethe Institute, Zagreb |
May 2002 |
Seminar on the “Law Basics of the European Communities”, Ministry for European Integrations, Zagreb |
March 2002 |
Seminar on the “European Union Basics”, Ministry for European Integrations, Zagreb |
Supervisory Board of the Academy of the European Patent Organization (deputy member 2011 – 2013, member 2013 – 2016); in October 2015 elected Chair of the Assembly of the Patent Law Treaty of the World Intellectual Property Organization. |
Microsoft award for the best final paper within master’s degree programme in the field of intellectual property 2007-2008; “Josip Lončar” silver plaque of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb for the outstanding master’s thesis. |
Author or co-author of 6 published research papers in the field of intellectual property; author or co-author of 14 published scientific research papers in the field of electric engineering and 6 research studies in the same field. |
English |
Proficient user (C2) |
German |
Independent user (B2) |
French |
Independent user (B1) |
Spanish |
Basic User (A2) |