Infringement search

Companies often develop their own product/process/use, and wanting to start returning the resources spent for R&D overlook possibility that such an invention might have been already protected, and that the placing of such a product on the market might infringe potentially existing rights. The infringement search is actually narrower in scope than the FTO search, because usually a specific product is in question with very well defined technical features.
The report contains an overview of the existing rights (granted patents) and patent applications (pending), indicating the customer the possibility of infringing somebody else’s rights if he decides to place the product concerned on the market.
Documents are sorted into two categories: „patents“, and „patent applications“.

Benefits for the customer:

  • Gives the basis for assessing whether a certain product/process/use  infringes already existing rights,
  • Gives inspiration for reinventing your own invention in order to avoid infringement of the existing rights,
  • Gives a better picture on the possible patent protection geographical coverage,
  • Gives relevant information for decision-making in R&D and marketing investments,

Basic service features:

  • The search is performed using exact technical features of a given product/process/use,
  • Average report delivery time: 30 days,
  • Fee: according to actual costs.

How to order search services?


1. Search Request Form
2. Patent search payments
3. Cost sheet

4. Possible attachments




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