Competition watch

Regular search and monitoring of the activities of particular trademark applicants. The search is performed at defined time intervals by repeating an identical request, resulting in a difference of the data compared to the previous search. Thus provided information can be used as a control of the activities of competitors, but also to find a strategic partner. Reports are sent periodically and contain only new found documents not sent in the previous report.

Benefits for the user:    

  • review of activities of a certain trademark applicant in a defined time period
  • early information about new products on the market,
  • possibility to make decisions on cooperation with others
  • base for the analysis of the TM owner before sale or license negotiations

Basic characteristics of the service:

  • search according to a certain owner,
  • searches are done periodically,
  • search reports are sent periodically,
  • basic price: to be charged on the actual costs basis.

How to order search services?


1. Search Request Form
2. Trademark search payments
3. Cost sheet

4. Possible attachments




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