Domain name search

Domain name search is used as an addition to the trademark search. Today, when computer literacy has a constant tendency to rise, accompanied by the consumers need to quickly and easily access information, more and more companies are registering their own websites. This reason often leads to the abuse of the domain name registrations in order to resell them etc. which often entails various judicial proceedings and financial costs. In order to avoid the mentioned above, when protecting a trademark you can also initiate the protection of your own domain name. Since the legal or natural person who is the owner of a trademark is not necessarily the owner of the identical domain, and vice versa, this service is useful because it checks weather the relevant domain name is free to register.
Based on the results, you can decide in which direction to go and what steps you need to take to ensure that domain name is also the value that you own.

Benefits for the user:

  • list of free domain names,
  • avoiding financial costs,
  • avoiding legal disputes

Basic characteristics of the service:    

  • search according to the specific criteria,
  • average search report delivery time is within 15 days,
  • basic price: 200 kn / 26,54 EUR1

1 Fixed conversion rate 7,53450


How to order search services?


1. Search Request Form
2. Trademark search payments
3. Cost sheet

4. Possible attachments




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