Trademark monitoring

Since intellectual property rights are private rights, the trademark's owner has to watch out for illegal copying by himself/herself. Monitoring, as a service of SIPO, can greatly ease up this task. So, what is it about?
To keep up with all new trademark applications, service of trademark monitoring provides periodic information about newly applied for trademarks. New trademarks, because of their greater or smaller similarity to other trademarks, may mislead consumers and thus infringe the holder’s rights conferred by the trademark registration. Monitoring enables the owner of the trademark taking necessary steps on time, to defend his previously acquired rights. The search is carried out according to the specific criteria and the time frequency determined by the user, and the results of trademark monitoring are continuously delivered to the user via the report.

Benefits for the user:    

  • list of newly applied for trademarks,
  • early warning about potential violators of your IP rights,
  • possibility of early reaction by opposing a published trademark application
  • early information about new competitors in a certain business segment

Basic characteristics of the service:

  • search according to the specific criteria,
  • average search report delivery time is within 15 days,
  • searches are done periodically by a determined time period
  • search reports are sent periodically,
  • basic price: to be charged on the actual costs basis.

How to order search services?


1. Search Request Form
2. Trademark search payments
3. Cost sheet

4. Possible attachments




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