Similarity/identical search service

In accordance with the prescribed procedure for trademark registration, SIPO does not examine the identity/similarity of your trademark with/to the previously applied for/registered trademarks. That is why the search of identity/similarity of verbal and/or figurative marks is an extremely useful step prior to filing for the trademark protection.
The search allows you to find out if there is already a trademark which is identical with or similar to yours, or if there is a potential risk of infringement of somebody else’s IP rights. The results of the search will allow you to make the right decision about filing for the trademark protection, and avoid judicial proceedings, and thus the financial costs.

Benefits for the user:

  • list of all trademarks identical with or similar to the given trademark,
  • avoiding legal disputes with the holder of prior rights,
  • avoiding misunderstandings,
  • identifying potential competitors/partners,
  • a potential source of inspiration for the creation of new trademarks.

Basic characteristics of the service:

  • search according to the specific criteria,
  • average search report delivery time is within 15 days,
  • delivery time for an urgent search report is within 3 working days
  • basic price: 400 kn / 53,09 EUR1

1 Fixed conversion rate 7,53450


How to order search services?


1. Search Request Form
2. Trademark search payments
3. Cost sheet

4. Possible attachments




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